How are we different?
Although seemingly similar tools exist, Z-zero is the only software provider that eliminates the major workflow communication issues between hardware design teams and the PCB supply chain. Communication of specifications and material properties becomes automated using Z-zero tools, eliminating manual re-entry of data.
Z-zero enhances the stackup design process by providing an accurate field solver, a loss-planning environment, and a complete dielectric materials library — all seamlessly interfaced to the most popular signal-integrity software.

A design team spec’d and simulated material constructions (resin content, thickness, Dk, and Df) that did not align with material parameters from the laminate manufacturer. Boards went to production. Thousands of invalid simulations resulted in material confusion and shortages − a nightmare scenario for an NPI situation. Z-zero determined the root cause to be old or incorrect information received from their fabricator and used throughout the entire design process.
A company sought assistance with an intermittent SI-related field failure and the Z-zero team quickly learned that no one on the design team was 100% sure which “FR-4” materials were used on the production boards; nor did they know the exact properties. Z-zero analyzed the workflow among three companies in three countries, determined the issue, and recommended solutions to optimize the design’s termination strategy.

"I work with R&D on specific “advanced technology” designs. Some of these require very unique stackups and I generally work them out before going to fabricators for their inputs. Usually, I mandate that they follow them exactly once we lock them down. (Fabricator inputs are taken, but usually any changes from the initial are minimal unless I really missed something.) We can’t afford changes from fabricator to fabricator. This is particularly true as speeds and frequencies go up. (For example, 5G antennas are at 24, 28, and 39 GHz and we have some 80 GHz work in fixed wireless; digital is at 56G NRZ, going to 128G PAM4.).
Materials also play a key role. The loss modeling helps us quickly determine what level of material performance we need and sometimes we can make lower cost materials work just by changing the stackups in the early design concept. We follow this up with detailed SI modeling of the PCBs, but Z-solver enables us to quickly get to what we need for materials/stackup."